User guide#

This section explains how to use PyConceptEV.

Get a token using AnsysID#

Get a token by creating a MSAL (Microsoft Authentication Library) app to communicate with the AnsysID system. Use this app to create a token. The token is cached within a file called token_cache.bin.

from ansys.pyconcceptev.core import auth

app = auth.create_msal_app()
token = auth.get_ansyId_token(app)

Create a client#

Create a client that can access and talk to the Ansys ConceptEV API. You can use the health check endpoint to check your connection.

import ansys.conceptev.core.main as pyconceptev

with pyconceptev.get_http_client(token, concept_id) as client:
    health = get(client, "/health")

Configure a session using OnScale Cognito (deprecated)#

Create an ENV file to keep your username and password. The file should look like this:

CONCEPTEV_PASSWORD = sup3r_s3cr3t_passw0rd

Get a token using OnScale Cognito (deprecated)#

Import the PyConceptEV core module and use the get_token() method to get a a random access string from the server.

import ansys.conceptev.core.main as pyconceptev

token = pyconceptev.get_token()